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Testimonial workshop – Cité des métiers, l’Expo

Start date: November 22, 2022
End date: November 27, 2022
Location: Palexpo
Testimonial workshop on how to cultivate a creative and innovative mindset to manifest your dream job in green jobs
Cultivate a creative and innovative mindset to create the job of your dreams !

This workshop is for anyone who is looking for meaning, who wants to be an “actor-creator” and a force of proposal in order to create a future that meets their desires based on their full potential.

Webinar: Les Talents du Grand Genevois

Date: September 22, 2022
Location: Online Webinar

Webinar on how to create a green job to become an actor of the ecological transition – presentation of the “BetterFLY your Transition” program and testimony of good practices and feedback on the right mindset to adopt

Podcast: “Green jobs, an environmental or internal ecology issue ?

Date: August 1, 2022
Location: All inclusive SDGs - Spotify
  • Why support professional transitions to green jobs ? Green jobs: a fad ? What does this trend reveal ?
  • Beyond the prestige of the environmental engineer, isn’t tomorrow’s green job more broadly a job that makes sense for you ?
  • How can we support the professional transition to “green jobs”, in all their diversity ?
  • What about the link between environmental ecology and internal ecology ?